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Reporting incidents
Across the Enable Group, we are keen to improve safety by preventing accidents – and we need your help. We actively encourage the reporting of incidents* and we’re asking you to tell us how we can make working conditions safer.
Our management team review every reported incident to determine if it had potential to cause significant harm or operational failure. For any we consider to be high potential incidents (HPIs: serious near-miss events that could have resulted in a fatality or life-changing injuries), we hold a brief investigation into the root causes, with the aim of stopping it from happening again. All reported incidents, whether deemed HPIs or not, will be closed out and categorised, adding to our data so that we can spot incident trends. We operate a NO BLAME approach to these investigations and are only interested in preventing a re-occurrence.
As an incentive, we hold a four-weekly prize draw for people who have reported incidents.
Click here to learn more about how to report an incident.
To report an incident, please complete our simple form; the details will instantly be forwarded to a member of our Health and Safety team.
Thank you for your valued participation in this scheme,
Stuart Jackson
Chief Operating Officer, Enable Group
* What do we mean by an incident? An incident is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage, but had the potential to do so. Incidents are warnings of accidents in the making. Whether it’s tripping over discarded materials, nearly falling into an unfenced excavation, or discovering something wrong and potentially dangerous with a system of work, if we accept it as a warning and look for its causes, we can prevent accidents.